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Who Gets the organ?

Task 1

You must decide which patient receives the organ.

There is only one organ.


You can only choose one patient.


Read through the patient information CAREFULLY before making your decision.


Remember to write down at least one reason for your decision.

Scenario A

Organ up for grabs: Skin
Organ up for grabs: Skin

Skin is normally transplanted through skin grafts, most commonly for burns, and more recently acid burns.


After the Grenfell Tower fire there was a severe shortage of skin in the NHS due to the severity of burns from the fires.


Susan is 24 years old.


She is a survivor of an acid attack to her neck and face.


Her mum and dad often visit her in hospital and she is refusing to leave until she has a skin graft because the damage is so severe.


She is incredibly self-conscious and has become depressed as a result of his attack.


She requires a skin graft in order to begin healing.


Does she receive the skin graft?


Lucy is 18 years old.


She is a paraplegic who is still in early stages of recovery from an accident.


As a result of her inability to move on the bed she has developed some bad bed sores on one of her legs and requires a skin graft.


Without the skin graft she could develop a dangerous infection and lose her leg.


Does she receive the skin graft?

Scenario B

Organ up for grabs: Heart
Organ up for grabs: Heart

When the heart fails it tends to be because of the diseases that cause weakening of the heart muscle or blockages of the blood vessels leading to the heart. Birth defects may also cause problems with the working of the heart.



Harry was born with a weak heart and requires a new heart.


He is 21 years old.


He is in university studying medicine.


Even with the transplant he might not live past 30 years old.


Without the transplant he might not reach 25 years old.


Does he receive the heart? 


Lily is 22 years old.


She is single, unemployed and with a 1 year old daughter.


Her parents are dead and the father is not in the picture.


She has a heart disease and requires a transplant.


She has been looked over for another patient 6 times, and is going to take herself off the transplant list if she does not receive this heart.


Without a new heart her quality of life will decrease rapidly and be potentially fatal.


Does she receive the heart?

Scenario C

Organ up for grabs: Cornea
Organ up for grabs: Cornea

When the heart fails it tends to be because of the diseases that cause weakening of the heart muscle or blockages of the blood vessels leading to the heart. Birth defects may also cause problems with the working of the heart.



Ben is 49 years old and has leukaemia.


He is on the recovery route and his cancer is gone.


As a result of his cancer his immune system has weakened.


As a result he got a severe eye infection which left his corneas being scarred.


His eye sight is very limited and he can only see blurry images.


If he wants to return to work as a taxi driver, he needs his eyes working.


He is the main source of income for his family.


John is 17 years old.


He had two open sores on his corneas because he left his contact lenses in for 3 days and 2 nights.


He currently can't see out of his eyes due to this infection and won't be able to see without new corneas.


He is applying to university to become a paramedic.


Does he get the cornea?

Scenario D

Organ up for grabs: Lungs
Organ up for grabs: Lungs

A lung transplant is often considered in people whose lung disease is so severe that they can no longer enjoy life.


You can get a transplant for both lungs or just one.


Bob is 60 years old.


His husband has died.


He has multiple children and grandchildren.


He was recently diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and requires a lung transplant.


He is very fit and healthy but the success of the operation is lower than normal due to his age.


Does he get the lung?


Mary is 56 year old.


She collapsed at home.


Her husband and daughter found her and took her to the hospital where it was discovered she needs a new lung.


Mary smokes 20 cigarettes a day and has done for awhile.


Does Mary receive the Lung?

Scenario E

Organ up for grabs: Liver
Organ up for grabs: Liver

A liver transplant is an operation to remove a deceased or damaged liver and replace it with a healthy one.


A living donor can donate part of their liver to a recipient because the liver grows back.


Harry is 33 years old.


He is an ex-alcoholic who has liver failure


He has been through rehabilitation and his sponsor thinks he might relapse but could also pull through.


His husband and children are very supportive of him.


Sally is 27 years old.


She has a history of bulimia and anorexia nervosa which has caused her liver failure due to malnutrition.


Her psychiatrist is hopeful for her full recovery, but there are still a lot of sessions required.


Her parents ope for a full recovery.

Scenario E

Organ up for grabs: Heart Valve
Organ up for grabs: Heart Valve

A liver transplant is an operation to remove a deceased or damaged liver and replace it with a healthy one.


A living donor can donate part of their liver to a recipient because the liver grows back.


Manson is a convicted prisoner on charges for murder.


He needs a new heart valve.


Without his transplant he will die.


He is refusing to give the location of the bodies of his victims to the police unless he gets the heart valve.


He is the only one who knows the locations of the bodies.


The families desperately want closure.


Matilda is 37 years old and a well-known missionary.


She has worked in numerous countries helping poverty-stricken children receive education, safe homes to live in and healthy meals and clean water.


She has a heart disease and needs a new heart valve so she can continue her work.

© 2020 by Miss Stewart

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