Non-Religious Views
The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.
Sanctity of Life
Sanctity of Life
The belief that life is holy and belongs to God.
Quality of Life
Quality of Life
Whether or not a human life is comfortable and free from pain.
Task 1
Whilst watching the following video about inspirational speaker Nick Vijicic have a think about his quality of life.
Write down 2 to 4 detailed points about his quality of life.
Holy Book Quotes
Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic
"You shall not commit murder"
- Exodus 20:13

Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic
"The word of the LORD came to me saying 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet of the nations' "
- Jeramiah 1 4-5

Holy Book Quotes
"Love your neighbour as yourself."
- Luke 10:27

Roman Catholic View on Abortion

Protestant View on Abortion

Humanist View on Abortion

Task 2
Use the information above to place these different views about abortion on a moral line.
Place the following views on the moral timeline:
Protestant View
Your own view
Roman Catholic View
Humanist view
One other persons' view (can be a friend or family member).
If you think the view is more pro-choice, place it closer towards the side which says pro-choice.
If you think the view is more pro-life, place it closer towards the side which says pro-life.
If you think it is a bit of both, place the view in the middle.

Task 3
Read through each scenario and write into your table what you think a Roman Catholic, Protestant and Humanist would advise to do in each situation.
REMEMBER to include why each view would choose that course of action.
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
A woman gets pregnant at 26, her boyfriend leaves her when he finds out. She is unsure if she wants to raise the baby alone.
Scenario 4
Scenario 4
A woman has been addicted to heroin for 10 years. She becomes pregnant and is urged by her friends to have an abortion, but she wants to keep the baby
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
A woman wants to keep a baby even though if she gives birth there is a 95% chance she will die. Her husband and parents want her to get an abortion.
Scenario 5
Scenario 5
A woman is raped but choses to keep the baby. She has no parents and was in foster care her whole life. The rapist threatens that if he gets out of prison he will kill her and the baby.
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
A woman is brain dead but also pregnant. The family want her taken off life support but the doctors refuse as that will also kill the baby.
Scenario 6
Scenario 6
A transgender man gets pregnant because his wife cannot have a baby.
People tell him to have an abortion because it is not 'natural'.
Read through the responses from representatives from Humanism and Protestant Christianity.
Do you agree or disagree with their advice in each situation or not AND why?
Humanist Response
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
"This appears to be an unplanned journey and the man is not prepared to be a 'father' to the child. The woman should have freedom of choice to decide what is right for her and her body; I would also recommend she considers independent counselling."
Scenario 4
Scenario 4
"It is for the woman to decide what's right for her, and I recommend she gets independent counselling and considers who will look after the child when she cannot. Temporary care leading to permanent adoption may be a likely outcome. Others should respect her final decision/arrangements."
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
"It is her choice to decide what is right for her and her pregnancy, I would recommend she gets independent (non-pressurised) consoling and considers looking after the child if the worst happens. Others should respect her decisions/arrangements."
Scenario 5
Scenario 5
"The father should be reported to the police with a request for a restraining order and I recommend she gets independent counselling and considers who will look after the child if she cannot. Temporary care leading to permanent adoption may be a likely outcome."
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
"It is for the doctors to decide.Others should respect their decision."
Scenario 6
Scenario 6
"This is nobody else's business. Others should respect his decision."
Protestant Response
Scenario 1
Scenario 1
"The guiding moral principle would be that all life is precious, especially human life. We would hope the mother decides to keep the baby and offer counselling services and support wherever needed."
Scenario 4
Scenario 4
"The big question here is the health of the unborn child. However, I think most Christians would support he mothers' wishes based on all life being sacred. Especially as this respects the mothers' wishes."
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
"With the same guiding principle, I think most Christians would agree that the life already in existence should take precedence over the potential of a life. However, my main concern would be to help them talk through their different options and maybe come to a decision."
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
"This is slightly clearer; most Christians I believe would side with the doctors on account of the life inside also being precious."
Scenario 5
Scenario 5
"We would support the mother's decision and look into ways of how to support her and hope that the police were made aware of the threats."
Scenario 6
Scenario 6
"According to the same principle used to support the other scenarios, we would support the choice to keep the baby."