Moral Dilemmas
Read over the following Moral Dilemmas.
Once done click the 'Learn More' buttons to be taken to a video which will talk you through the potential consequences of your actions.
In your virtual jotters type the title of the dilemma and what you have chosen to do.
REMEMBER to write down at least one detailed reason explaining your choice of action.

There's a runaway train heading down a track.
If the train isn't stopped or diverted, then five people on the track will definitely be killed.
You could pull a lever and change the direction of the train, only there's a worker on the other track.
What do you do?

Imagine you're a photojournalist on assignment.
You're in a war zone, placed in a security detail.
Suddenly, the situation changes for the worse.
What do you do?

You're stuck in traffic again. Another driver is trying to edge into the carriageway.
No one's letting him in and now he's looking mad at you.
You don't know this driver and you're never likely to see him again- and you're running late.
Do you let him in, or don't you?

You're the only doctor on duty in a rural hospital miles from anywhere.
So far, the night has been uneventful, but surprises are always just around the corner.
Who do you save?
WARNING: Fake blood in video. You do not have to do this one if you do not want to.

Imagine you have to hire someone and you have to choose between two applicants.
Both are equally qualified, only one of the applicants is your wife's best friend and she needs a job.
Who do you employ?
Your first instinct might be to employ your wife's best friend...

Sport: It's a metaphor for life.
You win some, you lose some.
But what's more important?
Victory at any cost?
Or how you play the game?
Challenge Questions
If you would like a challenge then download the extra questions to answer from the button below.