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Punishment or Rehabilitation

5 Years Old

14 Years Old

At what age do you think young people should take full responsibility for their actions?


Choose one of the ages below and write down why you think this age.

Task 1

8 Years Old

13 Years Old

15 Years Old

16 Years Old

18 Years Old

Doli Incapax: "Incapable of Crimes"


Years Old



13 Years Old


In England children under the age of 10 cannot be held legally responsible for their crimes.



This means that they cannot be convicted of criminal offences.


Years Old



12 Years Old



14 Years Old



16 Years Old


12th February 1993: The day that changed the UK forever

Jamie Bulgar was shopping with his mum near their home, not far from Liverpool.


James and his mum were in Mother Care.


After telling Jamie not to touch things on the counter, his mum turned away to pay.


When she turned back, he was gone.


The time: 15:42

There was a massive hunt for him in the shopping centre.


Everyone assumed that he had wandered off.


Nobody knew where he was.


His mum and dad had to go to sleep that night without their only child.


2 days later a body was found beside a railway track tow and a half miles away from the shopping centre.



Caught on security cameras.

James and an unknown child.

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The two boys arrested were both 10 years old.


They should have been at school.


Both boys admitted to the crime.


Both tried to blame each other for it.

What happened to James?

After leaving the shopping centre Jon enables and Robert Thompson walked James 2 and a half miles away to a place where they thought no one would see them.


They planned their route carefully along paths that were not really used and made sure to avoid roads..


The actual report on what happened to Jamies will NEVER be released.


Not even his Mum and Dad know the full extent of what happened.

What Happened to James?
What Happened to James?

We do know the following:

  • James did not die instantly.

  • He was tied up.

  • He was beaten with bricks ,an iron bar and other objects.

  • There were sweets found on him that were used to lure him away from his mum.

  • The boys tried to make the crime look like a suicide by leaving the body on the railway tracks.

  • It is unclear whether or not he was still alive at this point.

  • His parents were never allowed to see his body because it was so badly damaged.

How do we know this much?

Jon and Andrews admitted to doing this and 'told' on each other to the police.

The country was outraged.


People asked, how could two 10 year old boys do something like this?

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The UK became divided on what should happen to these two 10 year old boys.


Whether or not these two boys should be held responsible.


And what should the judge's decision be on their punishment.


THE RESULT: Both boys served 8 years in prison and were released in 2001.

Question 1
Question 1

Is an eight year sentence a suitable reaction to a child committing murder?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Question 2
Question 2

Are 10 year olds capable of understanding right from wrong?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Question 3
Question 3

Should the justice system do anything when a 10 year old breaks the law?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Question 4
Question 4

Are children who commit murder, victims themselves?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Different Views

Read over the following character profiles...

Screenshot 2020-03-26 at 15.39.56.png

Choose between 1 and 3 of the characters above.


Using the template below, how do you think they would respond to the James Bulger case?

I think number ...... would say that the child murderers' deserve to be....... because.......

Question 1
Question 1

Is there anyone to blame for what happened to James Bulger?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Question 2
Question 2

Is it more important to punish or reform child criminals?

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

Question 3
Question 3

In your opinion, should young criminals be tried as adults??

Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.

© 2020 by Miss Stewart

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