Animal Rights
L.I: I can evaluate arguments for and against animals having rights.
Do you think animals should have the same rights as humans?
Give at least one reason for your answer.
Task 1
Animal Rights
Humans have 30 official rights which vary from the right to practice free speech to the right to live safely.
Task 2
Have a read over the following statements.
Write down whether or not you agree with them and why.
Once done watch the clip and see if it changes your mind. If it does, write down why.
Quote A
Quote B
Quote C
"Animals should not have the same rights as humans. They do not udnerstand what 'rights' even means!"
"Animals are not as intelligent as humans."
"Humans hurting animals is no different from a lion killing an antelope for lunch"
Task 3
Read over the following questions and answer them in your jotters with at least 2 reasons for your answer.
Use the quotes and links above to help you structure your reasons why.
Should animals be given rights?
Question 1
Should animals be given the same rights as humans?
Question 2
Task 4
What rights do you think animals should have?
Write down between 2 to 4 rights you think animals should have and why you think they should have those rights.
If you're unsure of what rights to include use the pictures below to help you out.

Task 5
I is often debated that animals should have certain rights depending on what species they are.
e.g. Should dogs have more rights than chickens?

Sort the different animals below into a diamond 9.
Place the animal on top that you think deserves the most rights.
Place the animal at the bottom that you think deserves the least amount of rights.
Write down and explain why you put the animal at the top and why you put that animal at the bottom.

Get somebody else in your household to organise the animals into the Diamond 9.
What is different about theirs compared to yours?
Why did they put that animal at the top and why that animal in the middle?
Are all animals entitled to the same rights?
Interview up to 5 different people and record their answers and their reasoning why.
Extra Challenge