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End of Topic Assignment

Choose one of the following questions.


Should euthanasia be legal (allowed) in the UK?


Is abortion morally right?


Should we donate our organs?

Using the success criteria below you are now going to answer your chosen question in the form of a:

  • Leaflet

  • Website

  • Poster

  • Animation

  • Video



Success Criteria
  1. A religious response to your question AND why they believe this e.g. Hinduism

  2. A non-religious response to your question AND why they believe this e.g. Humanism

  3. 2 to 4 reasons FOR euthanasia/abortion/organ donation (make sure you word this so links into answering your question)

  4. 2 to 4 reasons AGAINST euthanasia/abortion/ organ donation (make sure you word this so it links into answering your question.)

  5. Your own answer to your question AND why.

© 2020 by Miss Stewart

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