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Does God Exist?

Look over the following picture and answer the questions beside it.

God 1.png


Atheist bus campaign run by British Humanist Association in 2009 in response to a similar Christian bus campaign.


Just being an atheist does not necessarily mean that you deny the possibility of a God altogether, you just do not believe in one.


1. What are your opinions about this campaign?

2. Why do you think somebody would put this on the side of a bus?

3. What word in the first sentence makes this a belief?


Look over the following pictures.


Write down the picture that you think represents your belief about the existence of God.


Write down why you chose this picture and how it represents your belief about the existence of God.

Scale of Belief

Write down which number below represents your belief and why.

Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.10.58.png

Word Bank


You are unsure and have not made up your mind on whether or not a God/s exists.


Do not believe in a God (s). Does not necessarily deny the existence of God (s), just does not believe.


Believes in God/s.

Different Views

Whilst watching the short clip write down why the following people believe God is real/not real.


Humera (Christian)

Yumna (Islam)

Bhajneek (Sikh)

Neil (atheist)

What Exactly Is God?

You are going to be looking over some artwork created by theists, agnostics and atheists.


Whilst you examine the artwork write down the reasoning behind the artists belief. e.g. Why are they against God existing? Why are they unsure about God existing and why do they believe that God exists?

Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.33.03.png
Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.32.27.png
Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.32.15.png
Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.32.00.png
Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.30.35.png
Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 16.30.18.png

Reflective Thoughts

Create your own image which reflects your own views on Gods' existence.


Draw from the above images for inspiration.


You could use newspaper cut outline, headlines, collages, pictures, anything you would like to create an image which represents what you think.

© 2020 by Miss Stewart

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