Methods of Execution
Task 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following quote.
Give at least one detailed reason for your answer.
"If someone were to be executed it would make no difference as to how they died."

Hermann Goering
Hermann Goering was a leading member of the Nazi Party during World War II.
He was put on trial along with other high profile Nazis at Nuremberg for war crimes after the war ended.
Goering was sentenced to death by hanging. He requested to be shot asa. soldier instead, but he was denied this request.
The night before his execution, Goering killed himself by taking cyanide capsules, despite being guarded in a cell.
Challenge Task 1
Do you think being shot is better than being hanged?
Do you think he escaped justice by killing himself?

The Executioner
The executioner is the person who's job it is to carry out the sentences of capital punishment
Challenge Task 2
Why do you think an executioner would wear a mask or a hood?
An executioner would was the person responsible for killing convicted criminals.
What effect do you think this job might have on a person?

How do you think being an executioner affected this famous British Executioner?
Humane or Not?
What do you think humane means?
Quick and painless death
What do you think inhumane means?
Slow and painful death
Task 1
Create a scale from human to inhumane (see below example).
As you learn about the different methods, jot down where you think that method should go on your humaneness scale.
Write down beside each method why you think it belongs on that part of your scale.
This is where a person has their head cut off.
This would often be done at a headsman's block with a swing of a sword or axe or with a guillotine.
Many famous historical executions were by this method e.g. King Charles I and Marie Antoinette.
This method of execution is still used in some, but not many countries today.
This execution method is reliant upon the executioners skill, sharpness of the blade and that the person will not move.
Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Question 3
Sometimes the heads of criminals were displayed for others to see. Why do ou think this was?
What do you think displaying the heads of criminals or holding public executions says about our views on punishments
Hanging has historically been one of the most common forms of capital punishment due to it being quite cheap.
A person stands with a noose around their neck. They may stand on a box which is the kicked away or on a trap door.
The person is hanged, which usually results in death from one of two ways.
Sometimes the drop is sharp enough that their neck will break.
On other occasions the person dies more slowly as they are strangled to death.
On very rare occasions hanging can also lead to decpatitation.

Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Question 3
In 2003 there was outrage when a video of Saddam Hussein being hanged was leaked online.
Do you think it is acceptable for such a video to be shared?
Give at least one detailed reason for your answer
Crucifixion was famously used by the Romans in ancient times, but is still used in the world today.
The convicted person is tied or nailed to a pole or cross. They are then left to die. This method of execution is extremely painful. The person will most often not die from being nailed to the cross, but from dehydration or hunger.
The most famous example of crucifixion was Jesus Christ.
Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Lethal Injection
This is the most common method of execution in the USA.
Drugs are injected into the person sentenced to death and this kills them.
It is often regarded as a humane method of execution.

Case Study: Mark Asay
Committed the racially motivated murders of Robert Lee Booker and Robert McDowell in the 1980's.
Executed by lethal injection on August 24th 20017.
He was the first man in Florida executed for killing a black man.
Asay's execution met with some controversy.
An experimental anaesthetic drug was used.
Not all of the effects of the drug had been confirmed.
Some doctors have claimed that there is evidence that the drug can cause a lot of pain and involuntary writhing.
Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Question 4
Is it right to test a drug on a human being?
Even if they have been sentenced to death?
Electric Chair
The condemned person is strapped to a chair and an electric current is passed through them via electrodes attached to the feet and head.
The condemned dies by electrocution.
This was invented as a more humane alternative to hanging.
Case Study: Willie Francis
On May 3rd, 1946, Willie Francis, a 17-year old teenager prepared for his final moments on earth.
As he was strapped into the electric chair, too scared to say his goodbyes, Francis just clenched his fists and awaited the inevitable moment when the switch would be flicked.
But, when the moment came, something went wrong.
Francis survived.
He became known as 'the teenager who was executed twice'.
After his first botched execution Francis described it as " left leg felt like somebody was cutting it with a razor blade".
The electric chair had been set up incorrectly as the assistant electrical had been drinking the night before.
A little over a year after the first execution attempt, Francis was strapped into the electric chair again.
He was asked if he had any final words. He replied "nothing at all".
At 12.05pm the switch was pulled and five minutes later he was pronounced dead.
Question 6
The Case
Andrew Thomas was shot and there were no suspects.The Chief of Polic said they would arrest 'any body' in order to put the case to bed. A few weeks later Francis was arrested.
The Doubt
The gun found next to the body was owned by the deputy.
He had threatened Thomas as Thomas was having an affair with his wife.
There was a car seen speeding away from Thomas' house, Francis could not drive and had no access to a car.
Was this a 'just' death?

Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Firing Squad
Execution by firing squad is where a group of soldiers are ordered to shoot a prisoner.
There are five men or more in a firing squad.
Only one guard has the actual bullet in his gun, the rest have blanks.
The prisoner normally has a paper template of a heart over there chest in order for the guards to have a more accurate target.
The prisoner will either die from a shot to the heart or slowly bleed out if the guards miss.
This is commonly used during war times or to punish soldiers who commit serious offences

Have a think about the pros and cons of this method. Where do you think it should go on your scale?
Question 7
None of the guards know who has the real bullet.
Why do you think this is?
Reflective Question
Have a look over your humaneness scale.
Answer the following questions:
Which punishment do you think is the most humane and why?
Which punishment do you think is the most inhumane and why?
Optional: Reporter
Try to explain all the different methods to a friend or family member.
Which one do they think is the most humane and inhumane and why?