Personal Values
To get started it is vital to be able to identify you most important AND least important values.
Read through the statements below and choose:
The top 3 statements that are most important to you.
The bottom three statements which are least important to you.
My Values

Task 1
Make a note of the letters for your top three AND bottom three values.
Compare the letters to the Values Key and write into your GoogleDoc what your most important AND least important values are.
Values Key

Reflective Questions 1
1. Do you agree with the results?
2. Do you think that the statements are good descriptions of values?
3. What do these values mean to you?
Reflective Questions 2
1. Can you describe a situation where you put into action one or more of the values most important to you?
2. What was the result?
Social Issues
Social issues are problems that influence citizens in society.
They are common problems in present-day society which many people strive to solve.
These issues are often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's control.
Task 2

List at least three social issues that affect Scotland in your GoogleDoc.
If you are unsure of any then use the pictures opposite for help.
Social Issues
1. Poverty
2. Loneliness.
3. Homelessness.
4. Substance abuse.
5. Unemployment.
6. Public Health.
7. Social Inequalities.
8. Education

Task 3
Look over your list of social issues (and the list opposite) and type the issue that is most important to yourself into your GoogleDoc.
Include the reasoning behind your choice, why is this issue important to you?
Task 4
You are now going to be researching how this social issue impacts our local community, a.k.a. how does this issue affect Aberdeen?
To help you refine your search parameter pease find out the answers to the following questions about your social issue: