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Lit Candles on Stand
Lit Candles on Stand

What do you know about Judaism?


What do you know about Judaism?


Write down at least two things you know about Judaism in your GoogleDoc.


If you do not know anything that is okay, write down 'I do not know anything about this religion'.


Watch the following video:



Whilst watching write down at least three different things you learn about Judaism.




The Jews were kept as slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years.


this ended when Moses led them to freedom.


After escaping Egypt (Exodus), the Jews wandered the desert for another 40 years.


It was during this time that God gave Moses rules on how the Jews should live their lives.

Old Hebrew Prayer Book

Why do you think we have rules?



Write down at least three different reasons why you think we have rules in your Doc.

Task 1




Jews believe that God has given 613 commandments (Mitzvot).


These are rules about how God wishes for Jews to live their lives.


This list includes rules about:


  • Worship

  • Marriage

  • Food

  • How to treat others.

Old Hebrew Prayer Book

Write down at least two rules that you think we need to live a good life.







Which one rule do you think is the most important?

Task 2

Old Hebrew Prayer Book


  • Read over the list of the Ten Commandments on your Docs.


  • Match up the 'old' rule with the modern day meaning.


  • Why do you think these rules are so important to Jews?

Task 3

Old Hebrew Prayer Book

Do you think these rules are good rules for living your life?





Write down at least two reasons for your answer.

Task 4


The Ten Commandments were given to Moses from God on stone tablets at the top of Mount Sinai.





The Ten Commandments are very important to Jews and are followed by them so that they can live in a way that pleases God.






Can you list the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments


Do you recognise these rules from anywhere else in life?





Do you see a theme with the rules?


Old Hebrew Prayer Book

Would you want to add any others?


Write down between two to five more rules you would want to add.


REMEMBER to include at least one reason why for each rule.

Task 5


Task 6: Rules


You are going to be creating your own Ten Commandments that you think the modern world needs.


On your Doc type in the new Ten Commandments for the modern world.


Add in at least one reason why you have chosen this rule for each one.


If you are unsure what to make your rules about look over the pictures below for inspiration.


Are the Ten Commandments still important for 2020?

Give at least one reason for your answer.



Why are the Ten Commandments so important for Jews?

Reflective Question

© 2020 by Miss Stewart

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