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In Christianity miracles are quite important.
What do you think a miracle is?
Type a definition into your Doc.
Optional Challenge: how do you think you could measure if something is a miracle?
Task 2
Do you think the following are miracles?
Healing the sick over 2000 years ago.
Paramedics healing the sick in 2021.
Task 3
Watch the following trailer and interview before answering the reflective questions.
You do not have to watch all of this video.

Reflective Questions
Do you think this was a miracle? Give at least two reasons for your answer.
Who or what do you think saved all those lives? State at least two bits of evidence for your answer from the videos you watched.

What is the difference between a miracle and an act of skill? Use at least one example.
What sort of world would it be where all the good things that happened were always thought of as miracles?
Task 3

What impact does it have on people when we use the ord miracle to wrongly describe a situation?
Optional Challenge
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