The Dreaming
Liberal Interpretation
Read over and interpret ancient texts (such as The Bible or Qu'ran) and put them into a modern day setting.

The Dreaming
Australia: Aboriginal Belief
The Dreaming is the Aboriginal understanding of the world, it's creation and its great stories.
It is the beginning of knowledge and it is where their laws come from.
To survive you have to observe these laws.

The Dreaming World
Australia: Aboriginal Belief
The Dreaming is told through song, dance, painting and stories and it is the time of the Ancient Ones.
The Ancestor Spirits came to earth in human form.
They moved through the land and they created what we know of today.
Once they had done their work they changed into trees, rocks, watering holes or other objects.
Creating sacred (special) places, plants and land features. Such as Ayers Rock.
The Dreaming did not end then, but continues today in a new phase and is a powerful force that must be maintained and cared for.
Task 1
There are many stories about how the world was created, today we are going to be learning one of these Creation Stories, told by some Aboriginals.
Read through the story of the Rainbow Serpent and create a picture to represent one of the verses.
The frogs came out slow because their bellies were heavy with water, which they had stored in their sleep.
The Rainbow serpent tickled their stomachs and when the frogs laughed, water ran all over the earth to fill the tracks of the Rainbow serpents’ wanderings. This is how lakes and rivers were formed.
The lawbreakers became stone and turned to mountains and hills, but those who kept the laws were turned into human form.
The Rainbow Serpent gave each of them their own totem of the animal, bird or reptile from whence they came.
The tribes knew themselves by their totems. Kangaroo, emu, carpet snake, and many, many more. So no one would starve, the Rainbow Serpent ruled that no man should eat of his totem, but only of other totems.
This way there was food for everyone.
Task 2
What is The Dreaming important?
Whilst watching the video opposite write down between two and four bullet points from the video that describe why The Dreaming is so important.