What is morality?
Morality is is the difference between wrong and right, good and evil and right and wrong.

Moral Issues
Moral Issues
These are issues which have the possibility of hurting or helping people.
Task 1
What counts as a moral issue?
Have a read over the table below.
Tick whether or not you think it is a moral issue.
Beside 3 to 5 of them write down why you think it is a moral issue or why it is not a moral issue.

Moral Issues in RMPS
Over the next couple of years we will be examining and investigating as a class many different moral issues in RMPS. Move your mouse over the boxes below to reveal some of the issues we will discuss.
When is it right to go to war?
Should everyone donate their organs?
Should we allow doping in sport?
Should animals have rights?
Should euthanasia be allowed?
Should we kill people?
Should slavery continue?
Should abortion be allowed?
Should we keep secrets?
Should you always tell the truth?
Should we use the death penalty?
Should nuclear weapons be used?
Should we eat meat?
Should torture be allowed?
How do I know what is right and wrong?
Should cannibalism be allowed?
Task 2
Out of all the moral issues in the circles above, which one are you most interested in finding out the answer to?
Write down your answer in your virtual jotter and give at least one detailed reason why.
Moral Dilemmas
Below are some moral dilemmas.
Task 3
In your virtual jotters make sure you write the title of the dilemma before continuing.
Read through each dilemma.
Consider the two options at the end of each dilemma.
Think about the consequences of your actions.
Write down which action you chose to do and give at least one detailed reason why.
Your Best Friend's Wedding
Robin Hood
Sinking Sensation
You are at your best friend's wedding and it is an hour before the ceremony will begin. You have just walked in on her future husband and one of the other bridesmaids kissing.
If you tell your friend about the affair their day will be ruined and they will be embarrassed. But you do not want them to marry a cheater.
Do you tell your best friend or not?
You are an eyewitness to a crime: A man has robbed a bank, but instead of keeping the money for himself, he donates it to a poor orphanage that can now afford to feed, clothe, and care for its children.
You know who committed the crime.
If you go to the police with the information, there's a good chance the money will be returned to the bank, leaving a lot of kids in need.
Do you tell the police or not?

You've been on a cruise for two days when there's an accident that forces everyone on board to abandon ship.
During the evacuation, one of the boats is damaged, leaving it with a hole that fills it with water.
You figure that with 10 people in the boat, you can keep the boat afloat by having nine people stay in and kick one person out.
There is an injured young girl and an old man.
What do you do?
Do you draw straws, where you could be selected, to see who will be pushed out, or push out the injured/old man?


1. What is a moral issue?
2. Give at least 2 examples.
3. Why are moral dilemmas difficult?
Answer the following questions in your virtual jotters. Do your best not to look back at the answers.