Animal Ethics:
End of Topic Assignment
L.I: I can develop an understanding of an animal rights issue.
I can describe in detail an animal rights issue.
I can explain at least two supporting and opposing arguments.
I can explain my own viewpoint in basic terms or in detail.
Task 1
Choose one of the topics on the right of this text as your End of Topic Assignment.
Task 2
You will be creating a poster on the topic you have been randomly given.
Make sure to research AND include the following...
I have included a clear, obvious topic title.
I have included between 3 to 5 reasons FOR my topic.
e.g. reasons FOR hunting, reasons FOR using real fur etc.
I have included between 3 to 5 reasons AGAINST my topic.
e.g. reasons AGAINST hunting, reasons AGAINST using real fur etc.
Religious Viewpoint
I have included what a world religion would think of my topic.
e.g. What would a Jew say about hunting AND why do they think this?
Important Facts
I have included a definition about my topic.
I have included at least one relevant example.
I have included the UK law about this topic.
I have included at least two statistics and explained why they are relevant to my topic. e.g. what does this show?
Own View Point
I have included what a personally think about my topic.
e.g. Do I think hunting is good or bad or both?
I have included at least two detailed reasons for my answer.
If you are struggling to find information follow this link.