Task 1
What Is Beauty?
There are four different information sheets.
10 minutes per sheet
For each sheet write down between 10 to 15 facts that you find in the sheet.
Use the timer to make sure you are only taking 10 minutes and no longer
Task 2
Based on the information you have just collected and read through, create a mind map about what beauty is.
Task 3
Answer the following question.
Is there really something common in all experiences of beauty?
Give at least two detailed reasons for your answer.

If someone says that they are beautiful, what exactly is implied?
Optional Challenge Questions
Do we have higher or lower expectations from beautiful people? Why?
What decides if a person is ugly or beautiful? Their appearance? Their actions? Why?
Is beauty defined or limited by age, race, gender, religion, body shape or personality?
What is meant by "being beautiful on the inside"? What is its relation to beauty being only skin deep?
What makes somebody beautiful? Why?
Do you think science can measure beauty? Why?
Do you think the concept of beauty is the same today as it was 100 years ago? If not, how has it changed?
Do you think beauty can ever be a disadvantage? When and in what way?
Is there more pressure on women to be beautiful than there is on men? Why do you think this is?
Optional Extra Challenge Question
Watch the video and write down 3 to 5 bullet points on why you think people reacted the way they did.